Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe, Inverary during the Scotland Photography Workshop

This is the thing about Scotland. The weather is terrible more often the not but places like Kilchurn Castle at Loch Awe still look gorgeous in all kinds of weather.

I often prefer the atmospheric, dreary ‘driech’ weather shown in this image I captured back in January of 2016. It just goes to show that no matter what the weather, it’s always worth going out and trying for the shot.

Behind The Shot

There’s nothing quite like the smell of frying sausages in the cold rain to make you re-evaluate your life choices. While I was standing soaked in the dreary rain there were two Scottish fishermen twenty feet behind me cooking their morning sausages in their ‘bivvy’ all dry and comfortable with big grins on their faces.

I chatted with them for a while until they eventually offered me a morsel and then we were the best of friends. I guess if you can’t catch any fish while out fishing, sausages will do. I was quite happy with my catch for the morning as I headed back to the Inn with this shot in the bag 🙂

Thanks for looking
Gavin Hardcastle – Fototripper

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