So you’ve learned about the fundamentals of landscape photography composition, now it’s time to get creative and have some fun.

The best part about composition is solving the puzzles that nature throws at you while out in the elements creating your masterpiece. My latest online photography course entitled ‘Composition Made Easy – Chapter 3 – Form & Flow’ helps you to solve those puzzles in a way that’s easy to understand and apply to your own landscape photography adventures.

Download ‘Composition Made Easy 3‘ Now


Chapter 3 – Form & Flow

After the success of  ‘Chapter 1 – Finding the Shot‘ and ‘Chapter 2 – Tricks of the Trade‘, I took things to a whole new level for ‘Chapter 3 – Form & Flow‘ by taking you on some backcountry adventures to some of Canada’s most remote yet spectacular landscapes. It was totally worth the blisters and third-degree burns from severe chaffing.

Not only did I manage to film some beautiful-looking educational content but you’ll get to see me create some of the best images I’ve ever made. The conditions were perfect and you’ll be right there alongside me in the thick of the action.

This chapter focuses on the artistic thought process that helps me so much while I’m out shooting in the elements. These are the moments that I live for, the moments when it all comes together using tried and tested mental tools that you can easily learn and adopt.

Get Inspired To Create Your Masterpiece

With ‘Chapter 3 – Form & Flow’ I share with you my philosophy and ideals, my desires and challenges and how I fulfill and overcome them all. As always, you can rely on my no-nonsense, practical advice that I think you’ll find both illuminating and inspiring.

Learn By Example – It’s Easy

I’m a strong believer in learning by example. A good teacher should be able to ‘walk the walk’ AND ‘talk the talk’. Well, I literally hiked over 90 km to deliver this content and I’m super proud of the images I captured and the educational material I was able to produce while holding back several full blown Fotogasms. I can at least pretend to be professional… sometimes.

This chapter consists of 5 practical videos (totaling 34 minutes) that show you exactly how I deconstruct my thought process while shooting in the field. You can easily recreate all of the steps that I demonstrate while you’re out shooting your own images.

Here Are the Topics That I Cover

  • Abstract Shapes
  • Layering
  • Leading Lines
  • Direction & Tension
  • Journey & Depth

Are you ready to elevate your photography skills?

If you want an online photography course that’s easy to understand, uses ‘no nonsense’ terminology and has practical steps that you can use – this is the course for you.

Works on Any Device

The five HD videos in this course are MP4 video files and will play on any device.

How Long Is This Chapter?

Chapter 3 – Form & Flow‘ contains 34 minutes of educational content. These inspiring tutorials take you to some beautiful places in Western Canada. Take these 5 educational videos on location with you and watch while you’re waiting for the light.

Download ‘Composition Made Easy 3‘ Now


Thanks for reading.
Gavin Hardcastle – Fototipper

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When you want to create jaw-dropping landscape photography images, you'll find that the art of composition will improve your images more than any other skill set. Composition Made Easy is…

  • Chapter 3 - Form & Flow
  • 5 HD Video Tutorials
  • Instant Download
  • 34 Minutes of Content